Sunday, February 26, 2012

One busy weekend

The current jewelry making workship I give is about to end, we had a lot to talk about it this Saturday, especially preparing for what usually comes next; the exhibition. As a part of engaging people more with the classes we're having, giving them a glimpse of how the class goes, I decided to start a series of videos from the classes and post them on my channel on youtube. So in addition to the normal jewelry making, brainstorming and pictures taking we did this week, I filmed a short video of the girls while working. Here's the video with the beautiful rings pictures at the end.

That was my Saturday morning, on the afternoon however, I was a student. I attended another class at The Old Fashioned Way, aka Layla Totah, the sweet lady from England who teaches sewing for beginners from her flat at Sanayeh, Beirut. I have had 3 classes in the past and I loved them so much, but I haven't been there since my last class in November, and now I was back. The project was a bag, but not a tote bag, or a clutch, or a small purse which usually is done in one day, but a sophisticated bag of our choice (we choose from a wide variety of bags from those special Burda books). And so the first day was about choosing the design and fabric. Then drawing the pattern, cutting and beginning sewing, which is what we did yesterday. Today we finished the project, some beautiful bags we made. I love my bag so much, but I'm not going to show a picture of it just yet, I want to stitch some beads embellishments to it first. But here you can have a glance of my unfinished work from yesterday, the day 1 of this class :) 

Working away on the side pockets of the bag. 
I chose a black sturdy fabric with grey and beige flower fabric 
for lining and the for the side pockets.

Layla and Tom, one of her students 
Layla is wearing my evil eye glass bead earrings :) 

It wasn't just me who had a great time sewing, but also my daughter who accompanied me today, played with the cats, fabrics and chalks, ate Layla's home baked delicious yummies and helped tidying up when we finished.

Below are pictures of some of my work since I learned sewing. 
Counting the days till I get my very first sewing machine. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dressy earrings

The wedding of my cousin was 2 weeks ago. And although I loathe attending weddings, I had to make it to this one; her and I are so close ever since we were children. Without much thought, I decided on what to wear. Me being a big fan of black for such occasions made things easy. So I was going to be in black from head to toe. I struggled though, when it came to the jewelry. What oh what to wear!! 

I knew I had to make something new just for the occasion, since I'm all in black I would need something a bit flashy. I had no time to go beads shopping that whole week before the wedding. By Saturday, I had my jewelry making class, by the time the class finishes all the stores will be close and the wedding was the very next day, I was stuck. Luckily, one of my students have had newly bought some new components and brought them to the class. I happily accepted her offer for using them, and this is the pair of earrings I made that Saturday afternoon, I loved them!

Whenever I get a picture of myself from the wedding (that I like), I'll post it ;) (Those pictures from the wedding are making me realize just how much weight I have put on in the last couple of months. Time for some drastic changes!)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Another TV appearance

Home sick for the 4th day today, I didn't achieve much this week, besides using up 3 tissue boxes, lying in bed, and dragging myself to cook a meal or to bring Yas to and from the bus.
There is something nice going on for me though, I have been interviewed and featured in a new TV show. On the 13th of January last month, when I was still moving to my new office and studio, I had the Chic Now team from Al Aan TV calling and they filmed an interview about me, my work and the jewelry making classes. The place was still in a mess, I didn't even have the desk there yet, but nevertheless, it went well and it was broadcasted on Saturday the 12th of February. Today the interview is available online, and until I get the video, crop my part and upload it to my channel, you can see it here on Al Aan TV's channel (time code 28:24)

It is my 3rd TV interview in less than a year, and my 2nd this very year. The first one this year was on the 4th of January (which happened to be my birthday too), on LBCsat, Helweh Beirut show. For this interview and my very first one last March, check my youtube channel.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Updates and pictures

So here's another week of February, and next week is the end of the month, the second month in the new year. Although times are not so easy, time is flying! I am still overwhelmed by moving out and changing my working location. I know I should adjust fast and get on working, I have a lot to catch up on, but the transition is not happening very smoothly.

I wanted to write last week about, well, last week, but I couldn't. My week was very hectic and when I finally had some time on Sunday, I got sick! Which is why I am actually writing about it now, at this time of the day when I'm supposed to be working. The thing is, I'm lying in bed, with medicines and hot drinks, heater, and covers and all, and I thought to at least make use of it.

So anyway, last Monday and Tuesday daughter was home, we were resting after a long trip to the south on Sunday where we attended my cousin's wedding (I loathe weddings) and on Tuesday it was a holiday! This usually means I don't get around beading, designing or creating anything really, thanks to little Miss. Attention seeker! By Wednesday she was back to school I had some work to finish outside the office. On Thursday I was not inspired whatsoever. On Friday I had to go beads shopping and prepare for the next jewelry making class I'm giving.

I still lived on the glory of the previous week though, the jewelry I made got some nice feedback, and they were inspiring enough for me to take it from there and carry on creating my spring/summer collection.

So here's pictures of some of the jewelry I made when I was inspired and had a productive week!

Not just did I create new jewelry, but I also fixed some old designs. Remember the fabric necklace I made 2 weeks ago and wasn't so sure about its finishing? Well I happily fixed it last week and made a Royal blue version of it too. It is a success and I got an order of few them for one of the local stores in Beirut that sell my jewelry.

I made more fabric earrings in different colours, and I finally started making anklets ,which I wanted to make for as long as I can remember! 

As for Saturday I gave the usual jewelry making class and you can see the new work of my talented students here.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A productive week

This was a productive week. Although I am still struggling to find a new routine between my house chores and the designing since I moved my work to a new location, I am happy with the progress. I am able relax at last, did few changes to the place, better lighting, a bit of mess to make myself feel at home, and voila! A week has gone by and I managed to create some new cute jewelry that I'm quite happy with. The days are going by very smoothly, at least for the time being; I start early, then have a break around noon, go home and finish few tasks there, then go back to work a little later, work until it's time to go and cook dinner and get things ready for Yasmina before she comes home from school. As for those moments when I get the urge to design, create and make things, I simply sketch the designs in a small notebook. Next day at work I look in my book, I put some music on, and I take it from there. I was at last able to both detach myself from the place and bond with it at the same time! I'll be sharing pictures soon. 

Friday, February 3, 2012


The reason for my struggle yesterday, and lately, while creating new jewelry, is basically because I want to stick to the oriental (middle eastern/arabian) style that I have chosen for myself, without having to use Fatima's Hand all the time. And the thing is, it turned out, I simply am stuck. I love them too much to drop them now, even to return back to them a little later. So anyway, as stubborn as I can be sometimes, I still made some new jewelry using Fatima's hand, again, but this time I tried to be more innovative, I used fabric! I was quite happy with the result, design wise, but not the finishing, still this wasn't a bad start. I do consider it a start because that was my first day actually working in my new workshop. I have moved there two weeks ago, did the office work, gave my jewelry making classes, organised all my stock, but never started really designing until yesterday. I needed to feel at home and clear my mind, and also, more annoyingly important, I just had to wait for moments of inspiration!

Here's one of the necklaces I made yesterday, I used brown satin fabric in this one. I love it, the fabric looks like it was intended to be this way as a part of the design, a free form of a sort, but next time I am going to make similar designs, I think I am going to sew the fabric first.

I also used the fabric with non Fatima's hand jewelry (yepee) and I am quite pleased with the result, check those royal blue fabric earrings. 

For the rest of the jewelry, check the pictures here

For those of you who don't know what Fatima's Hand means and where it comes from, here's some info that might help.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Latest TV appearance

My interview on Helwi Beirut show on LBCsat. I had the chance to talk about both my jewelry designing and jewelry making teaching.

Here's where you can find the pictures of the items showcased in the interview:

In a nutshell

My beginning in jewelry making started in December 2008, when I found one of the biggest jewelry materials suppliers in Beirut, after a research that took nearly over 3 months. During that period, I have read books, articles, magazines, anything I could put my fingers on to give me ideas on how to start jewelry making and where. I had no plans in mind, all I knew was that I had to buy tools, and try applying those theoretic basics I learned . Back then, my daughter has just started going to the nursery for the first time, she was 3 years old, and ever since she was born, I have been dedicating my whole waking time for her. I guess that space and physical distance from her after all those years gave me time to think about myself, and I so wanted to do something that I truly enjoy, and jewelry making, being one of my dreams ever since I was a child, had to be the first choice.

A single mother - and a stay at home one at that - I found it only natural to try and make money from my newly self taught jewelry making skills. One thing lead to another, and here I am, 3 years later, a jewelry designer and jewelry making instructor, with a business and a brand of my own, 3 tv interviews, few magazine and newspaper articles, with a huge amount of lessons learned that no business or art school could have given me.

I had no mentor, no help from any expert in the field, very little support, and only pocket money, but I had a burning desire, I believed in myself and I embraced everything that came along the way.

Every year I made a business plan but those plans kept changing, not because I never stuck to them, but because life has a way of giving you what you want in different forms, shapes and ways. Number one lesson I learned in life and business, flexibility with focus and perseverance is a formula for success, always! I never planned to end up where I am now, but I did want to succeed, to prove to myself that I can create absolutely anything from absolutely nothing, and I did it.

An artist, naked.

Sitting in my workshop today, working away on some new jewelry (and struggling), it hit me then and there; I should blog about this! As simple and common as it is, an artist lacking inspiration, I wanted to share it! Those very moments people don't usually know about me, the side that is hidden while every success is being portrayed in every possible way. The insecurity, the lack of confidence, the fear of judgment, the expectations... The pressure of the business: production, sales, image! I might be an entrepreneur of a sort, but I had to remind myself today, that I am an artist first and foremost, and that this is what got me where I am today at the first place.

It is a bliss and such a joy to be able to create, but when you want to make money, it's a totally different story. This is where my business mind usually steps in, and ruin the fun for me. I want to blog, not just to remind myself that I am an artist and a human being who's prone to failure, but also to be a better teacher, for all those who looked up to me for inspiration, for my students... for my daughter.

It is very easy to hide behind an image, but it isn't much fun, not for me, not anymore anyway. This blog is going to be all about real life. I am going to be teaching and giving tips and ideas, while sharing my own learning experience. I will be sharing lots of pictures (love them), useful links, projects and more, and of course me being me, a bit of philosophical psychological metaphysical stuff every now and then.

So follow me in my new blog and let the fun begin! I am so looking forward to sharing more of me with you.