Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The embrace

I'm sitting on the balcony this morning, it is facing south west, the air is slightly cooler in the morning here, though it's still considerably hot and humid. I've been avoiding all balconies most of summer. It's not just the intensity of the heat, but also the sounds. I have all windows and balcony doors open in the house throughout summer this year, we no longer have air conditionning on non stop like the olden days, saving on bills is key these days. This means we get the wild wind and cool breeze all day long, but also crazy dust, and all sorts of outside noise. The generators, the neighbours, the roads, the cars, the sellers, the factories, the dogs, the cats, the crows, the birds, but the loudest of them all, is the sound of crickets.
There was this specific place in a mountain village called Ghosta that stands out in my memory as a child. We used to go there regularly as families and neighbours at summertime, picnicking and barbecuing between the trees in a pine forest on Sundays. Soon after we would arrive, I used to wander away by myself, getting distant from the crowd, the noise of chatter and loud kids, to get a sense of a connection with nature. The farther away I would get from them, and the lesser their sounds were clear, the louder the crickets singing sounded. I remember the feeling of overwhelm, of being contained and consumed by nature through these very loud sounds. Somehow the song of crickets became the sound of freedom for me, and that of celebration and connection.
After the Beirut port explosion I was looking up apartments to move to, my daughter and myself, I wanted us out of Beirut at any cost. I had an appointment set with a real estate agent who was going to show me few different places that I liked from the photos and their ideal location. We have seen few really beautiful ones by then, but daughter was disapproving on them, without particularly being able to state the reason, just her hunch. I believed in her gut feeling, especially then, so I would agree with her  and we would move on to checking the next available option. Few seconds after stepping foot into this apartment that we now live in, and the moment right after seeing the pine forest that overlooks the bedrooms and kitchen, she was sold. From her confidence in her choice and that feeling of ease she experienced, I knew that this was going to be our home for the next phase of our life, and so I signed the lease contract the very next day, two years ago.
The pine forest is healing and soothing. Although my feet aren't on its ground, merely staring at its trees from our balconies, hearing its sounds, smelling its earth and greenery, can have a very calming effect on my being. I can't remember the exact moment when the sound of crickets started to affect me negatively though, not so long ago, maybe few weeks back. By then I had suffered the continuous loud sounds of my neighbours on the east side, and the extremely disturbing screaming sounds of the neighbours below us. I had to redecorate the whole place recently and switch rooms only just so that I can spend my days as peacefully as possible, battling through the chaos that is living in summer Lebanon at this time and age, without additional outer stressors.
This morning the sounds of crickets isn't too unbearable. I was wondering as to what is bringing this change, my ears are still super sensitive, and the crickets are as loud as their usual, if not more. I pondered upon this for a while, and I could sense this peaceful feeling inside of me, similar to that one I feel at the end of a phase or a cycle, which usually means the beginning of an end, also the start of a new one. The crickets are soon to die with the beginning of autumn, their sounds are going to remain loud only for another short while now, it all suddenly became much easier to bare.

The photos I went through this past weekend were mostly from my infamous house wedding at my grandma's with my dying mother. The last months of my mother's life battling last stage stomach cancer were spent with and around her, mostly in Saida, so she could be close to her own mother and family. I had been engaged to be married for a while by then, and at one point, her family got together and decided it was best I get married the soonest possible, so that she could witness it and be "happy for me". Such an absurd and backwards notion, yet I could not say a word about it. Suddenly what was supposed to be an important life passage ritual or my own, became a mere act of kindness for my dying mother. Life after my father died had changed upside down for us. Our autonomy as a family was gone, mother sought strength and guidance from her people, which broke havoc on our bond as one unit, one family. I, for instance, did not matter that much anymore, nor what I thought or felt. Everyone was busy trying to rescue himself or herself from the agony and pain, and finding their feet on the ground, from the disorientation of not having the solid figure that our father was with us anymore. Out of the blue, I found myself having to fill roles given to me, following advise from people I not once in my whole life listened to, nor them knowing anything about who I was beyond my being simply my mother's daughter. I was assigned jobs to do that I took on without much resistance. Everybody agreed to it being a sensible idea, this rushed, low key marriage, including my husband himself, so it became a plan.
I was in the market with my cousin one day, she was helping me do some of my shopping in preparation for the marriage. All of that was being done while I was simultaneously being of assistance to my mother, both at home and in the hospital, studying for my high school official exams, preparing for my first year in university, getting ready for my new life in my new home as a married woman, coming to terms with the discovery of my soon to be husband cheating on me, and the realization that he's probably a cheater and / or doesn't actually love me. There wasn't much free time for me to roam freely in the shops or wallow on any intuitive feeling, thought, or emotion. I became mute, and unlike my usual rebellious self, very accommodating and docile. I could not and did not want to cause trouble or discomfort, this is when I learned to be practical for the first time in my life, and just swallow truths and gulp harsh realities down my throat.
At one point during my shopping for my lingerie wardrobe and bridal bed linens, I stopped off in front of the window of a clothes shop. I looked Rola my cousin straight in the eye, and I told her we had to get in, I needed black clothes, I didn't have any. Rola understood what I meant, she obliged and helped me there too, not a single word uttered. That was us trying to do life the way it was asked of us. Marriage and funeral shopping on the very same day, for convenience, practicality, appearance, and conformity. I was 19 years old, Rola was 18. We were racing time, would my mother's frail body and weakened soul last long enough? It was all up in the air, we just battled through, and acted upon the grown ups' supposedly wise advise and instructions.
That wedding idea and execution was the most horrendous thing anyone could ever suggest on someone. Death should have been honored, my mother's passage, her time, her goodbyes. Death should've been about celebrating her own life, not some ritual celebrating somebody else's milestone. The slowing down, the sitting with the pain, the grieving, the presence, were all needed and necessary.  Her family wanted to swipe it all under the rug because it was all too painful for them to bare, and so I became the gift they were giving my mother on her very last days, and the perfect distraction, all socially, culturally, and religiously approved! 
They did not know, and we could not tell them, because no one would have fathomed it, not even us, but my mother and I never had this kind of a relationship, she did not need to see me getting married to make peace with her dying for instance. My life and my mother's life, and her death, were not exactly linked. When the doctors were figuring out the case of her cancer, they estimated the time it started and its development stages, and we knew how long she had approximately. It had started days after my father passing, this is how little other people, factors, and things affected my mother, not myself. She was ready to leave right after father died. The notion of sticking around to witness her adult children grow further in life, expand, be around for our milestones, and our children, never occurred to her, just like our earlier milestones had less importance in her life than one would assume.
My mother and I had an understanding from a very young age, she does herself, I do myself, I respected and honored this non vocal agreement my whole life, there were boundaries and we were worlds apart. Not once did I ask her to be more present or motherly to me. Not once did I blame her for anything that she did or did not do for me or outside of me. I don't know how, but I understood her, never resisting, never forcing, never projecting. She was on her path, I was on mine, we never intervened with each other's paths, though we were mother and daughter, and I was an extremely affectionate person with a need for closeness that goes beyond anything I've seen in average people. Yet, there we were, suddenly finding ourselves being the puppets for the family and their agendas, and this was, above all, very painful for me to witness in my mother, who used to have a larger than life persona and presence.

My mother did not need this kind of arrangements being back with her family. She simply needed their presence, so that she could say goodbye peacefully, and not alone, like she felt back home with us her kids. She suffered great loneliness since the passing of my father a year earlier. He wasn't just a husband to her, but her lifetime lover, partner, best friend, family, and companion. We would be back from school or work, to find her sitting on the couch, my father's place empty, and she's starting at his photo that she would have placed on the coffee table in front of her, sobbing and crying uncontrollably, for hours on end. If anything at all, my mother needed the attention on herself, not derived somewhere else, so she could gather strength and courage to handle the physical pain she was enduring, and the concept of forced departure. I suppose at that time, we had both become victims of social codes, culture customs, and family enmeshment.
When I held her to say goodbye before leaving with my now husband, we cried very painful tears. It wasn't the traditional cries people see and assume of a mother and daughter upon the daughter's departure on her wedding day. There was melancholia, sadness and depth inside each of us in very similar ways that we have both acknowledged in each other, our entire life, without ever speaking of it. There was no more escaping during that embrace, nor could we carry on with our prolonged pretending. Life has gotten totally out of control for both of us and it was all felt at that very moment. I could not tell her about my new pains, new realizations, new  disappointments and fears. She could not tell me about her self betrayals, her regrets, her old sufferings, and the missing. There was no time for that, nor space, we were strictly and merely just two women, beaten and broken, crying our helplessness and despair, saying goodbye, and parting in two opposite directions, having become so very close, yet still very distant. 

Saturday, August 27, 2022


I was in limbo most of the day, heavy dreams last night and a very long week took their toll on me. By the afternoon, I decided to get up, shake it off, and dance. It wan't the smartest of ideas considering the chronic pains in my body have all flared up lately, but I decided to move anyway. I watched my body as I was swaying in front of the mirror on some of my favorite Pakistani songs that the mood called for. 

My belly dance accessories jiggling away, my curves a little bit smoother than last summer, my hips so sore but holding up, my legs stiff, my knees weak and aching, but I kept going. My back looks a little bit more toned than how it was in wintertime. The hump on the back of my neck has returned, I have made a good progress with it in early summer. After the right shoulder pain was back some time ago though, I had to stop the stick exercises I was doing for it and for my shoulders and upper back. My belly is still too big for my liking, but I'm satisfied with the weight loss progress I've made this year thus far, it is very slow, but really steady. I now have bat wings but they don't seem to annoy me that much. I've prepared myself for lose skin and I'm eagerly waiting to embrace the changes. This gracious body has been through so much, I'm so grateful for it. 

I danced for 40 minutes, I used to take 45 minutes for warm up alone 3 years ago. I miss dancing for hours and losing touch with time and space, like the pre-corona days. I am hoping my body will restore its previous strength and flexibility soon. I am itching to move it in ways I have not even dared to do before. There are so many dances I wish to learn and experience, not to mention all the other passions that I need a strong body for. I am learning to heal it through attention, connection, love and patience, one body part at a time, one organ at a time, one joint, one muscle, one limb at a time.

The sun is just after setting, I'm looking at the mountain in the north direction, the breeze has slowed down now, the heat is very intense still, we're officially in our last summer days. A box of photos is on the ground waiting for me to go through it. I'm sticky with dry sweat, I will have a shower soon and then will get to the ground with a nice cup of herbal tea and dive into the box. I need strength of a different kind for that. As of late, I've been leaving all the memories sorting for the book project until the weekend. I can't afford getting emotional mid week when I'm usually busy with many different tasks, errands, and chores.

Limbo doesn't stand a chance with me, life is calling to be lived, and answer it I must. All those past memories waiting to be reconstructed, understood, processed, integrated. All those ambitions waiting to be dreamed and achieved. I am often feeling as though I'm lost in between different timelines lately, there is no other way to exist now but through expansion. I am grateful for free will and hope. I will write a little prayer on my journal before bed, many things I'm thankful for, many precious beings need healing thoughts and well wishes today. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Enter at your own risk

 Gabor Mate went live last night on Instagram. I had been twisting and turning in my bed for hours. My usual bedtime routine of winding down, face massaging, legs up on the wall, reading and listening to soothing music, took longer than the usual. My mind was racing instead of slowing down. There was a knot inside of my chest, and I just did not want to feel it, nor did I have the energy or presence needed to deal with it, and so I watched Gabor. 

Hannah his daughter was on with him, she's a psychologist herself as well and the one who runs his Instagram account. Watching Gabor or even just listening to his voice has a soothing effect on me. He has such a tired, worn out face and features, and boy is he compassionate! He's usually talking about very sensitive topics regarding the psyche, trauma, relationships dysfunctions, addictions, childhood, and so on, yet one could easily fall asleep while watching him. His voice is comforting, his words have an instant healing effect, his eyes are promising. Few people have brought faith in humanity back into my heart recently, Gabor is one of them. How heart warming it is to see a human being fully open, bereft of any ego, continuously and constantly working on improving himself and expanding, while sharing his acquired knowledge, his experience, insights and wisdom so very openly with the world, without seeking accolade. The people who keep on going, who love working, who are consistent and committed to their vocation and their passion, touch me very deeply. 

It isn't just the scholars, pioneers, or intellects, I also follow many other random people on Instagram, many touch my very core in the same way. I follow few belly dancers who shine the same bright light, full of love and grace, fully committed to themselves, their passion, and their audience. I also follow shoe shiners from around the around. One particular guy from the States is my favorite. ASMR brought me to his YouTube account, and I stuck around since, almost 6 years now. He delivers good content, is very passionate, consistent with his videos posting, but also the growth of his techniques, styles and ways of filming. People who are so busy being and doing themselves are the most beautiful, and they shine so very differently. 

There have been times when I used to sympathize with people going through stagnation. So much so that I used to think that it was my role to share my light with them, energize them, lift them up, give them a nod, push them to get up and go, be, and do. I learned the very hard way not to do this anymore. More than 8 years of my life spent with a stagnant partner, it brought my whole life to a standing still position. I then got myself in short term relationships with stagnant men , addicted, with idle great potential. I often questioned what exactly was I doing. I knew there must've been a certain pain inside of me that was attracting these patterns, and that it needed healing for sure, I just didn't know how or where to begin. Self preservation was never my thing after all, and I realized I I needed to start from there. These connections were stepping between myself and my own light. I didn't just have one passion in life, I had so many, and I neglected every call to action just to be of assistance for others, for many long years. 

You could blame that on growing up not knowing my value or worth  as a child, for not getting validation or guidance growing up, but also not having been treated decently as an adult. This resulted in me not knowing the concept of boundaries or how to treat myself, let alone the healthy way others handling me.  I just did not know what self preservation felt or looked like, so I did what I knew to do best, serve. I also thing, that somewhere down the line, becoming a single mother at a relatively young age must have somehow wired me to be out-focused, driven to support, assist, give, nurture. Self love was a totally new concept that I had to teach myself how to integrate into my system.

 When I eventually managed to break away the pattern of resonating with stagnation, I started attracting people who were on the other end of the spectrum. Not only were these really motivated and active men, but also their ambitious was way too big, making them do anything to get what they wanted and desired, at any cost. Their passion and fire, so very magnetic, was detrimental to burn some things. Before then, I had been too busy for too long inside my cocoon, not realizing how some things played out in the relationship dynamics. I was totally oblivious to the games, manipulations and lies that were at play. Learning to ride these waves was something I didn't think I had in me, but thankfully I managed, though the cost was very high. 

I have just received a notification from Tinder as I write this, a new match has initiated a conversation with me. He's a film director, bearded, nothing unique there, but the artists in particular do attract me and trigger my curiosity. Most Lebanese men look the same way these days, sadly. I love beards, but not the way it's been used to hide the faces, or the extravagant ways they dress it up. After inspecting the looks and identifying a certain level of physical attraction, I usually start looking for cues in their photos, in their bio, and the smallest of hints and nuances in how they present themselves. When we start chatting, how present they are, slow or fast in responding, the politeness and mannerisms, their attention spam, what they give focus to, the little words, the pauses, the silence, the chatter. Excitement, eagerness, attention and care can easily be signs of a predator in disguise. Softness, humbleness, realness, and interest can be signs of depression in disguise. Tinder gives no promises, enter at your own risk is the motto. I often think to myself when a conversation starts and goes smoothly, now what Universe?! I stay open to receive the answers and messages, when I ignore them, the result is almost always sure to be disastrous. 

I met a brutally honest man a while ago, who said it as it was. In his bio, he wrote two words only: heartbroken and angry. I asked him if this was sarcasm or the truth. He said it was the truth, and he was indeed very honest and open. Such a refreshing encounter, so much so that for a while, I was clueless as to how to handle myself. I have grown so accustomed to people wanting to dress up realities or hide facts that simply and merely just being open and present with the other, stating facts and truths as they were, openly sharing wounds, doubts and fears felt awkward, though very humbling and beautiful. 

The sun has only just left my room, I've just finished drinking my 2 liters water bottle. I'm ready to get up and have my fruits breakfast, and catch up with daughter. I want to tell her about the new realization I came to last night, regarding the boundaries of the child with an overbearing parent. I didn't think I was, but it seems I can be sometimes, talk about too much passion and fire! She's teaching and showing me how to handle her, and do our relationship now based on her needs and preferences. I'm so glad that for once, here's one person and a relationship dynamic I don't have to tip toe around or try and guess and look out for cues. Direct, straight forward instructions, and clear boundaries, I like the sound of that, any day, any time. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Who was teta Em Noubar

With people, it's never about what social role they play in my life, but rather who they are at a soul level, and whether or not our hearts speak the same language. In my family, I did not have a very strong connection with my siblings and relatives. I wasn't even close in this way to my own mother. I didn't experience real friendships in this sense either until I was an adult in my early thirties. I had so much love for them though, I would invest a lot of time and energy trying to learn about them, understanding their very move, seeing behind their spoken words and their actions. While I got to the know and and touch the core of some of these people, the same was hardly ever reciprocated to me. I loved them, I had compassion towards them, and I tried to fit into my own role towards them as much as I could; a sister, a cousin, a daughter, a niece, a nephew, a neighbour, a friend. 

One person did stand out from the crowd for me growing up. How can I write about the one person that had the most effect on me and my life. That one person who spoke the very language of my own heart, who was both the strongest and the most delicate human being. He was generous in all aspects and taught me abundance in the very way he existed. How can few little humble, simple words, and basic English, catch that which was majesty in human form that my father was. It's not an easy task, but I'll keep trying, because if I write, it is to capture the essence of this magical existence, and he was the essence of that essence. So many lessons he taught me while he was alive, and so many lessons he keeps on teaching me after he passed. 

I like the word passed, it comes from passage, that is how I see him, passing through worlds and realms. Existing and shining his bright light, unstoppable like he always was, with his most graceful, genuine smile. A soul that resembles nothing I've ever encountered outside of myself. When he died, I wanted the whole world to stand still, but it didn't. Life kept going, and I was left to deal with the agony of losing him alone. Nobody understood the depth of our bond, and so nobody stepped in to help with the processing of the pain. It was my most valuable lesson learned just as I turned officially into an adult at 18 years old. 

Being a pastry chef, a pastry shop owner, and a family man, meant that he was almost always busy, and I loved hanging out with him every single chance I got. I used to be his little companion, sometimes for wholesale stores runs, other times just around him as he worked. At the workshop, he worked his hands and body with so much grace, perfect precision and total calm, hardly uttering any words. I would watch silently sitting on a high stool with my small body, bending over to be tabletop to see closely the details of what and how he was preparing the delicacies that was to be displayed and sold in our shopfront later on. He was extremely disciplined and worked his days and routines on time any day of the year, no matter what. Inside the shop, and on quiet moments when the shop wasn't so busy, I would sit in front of him on a small chair while he talks away. He loved teaching me about the world, but his favorite topics used to be business oriented, and had to do with food and ingredients, his passion and vocation.  

When I used to hear the name Mahmoud as a child, it would instantly give away a feeling of peace, safety, harmony, comfort, love, belonging, and containment. Mahmoud wasn't just my own favorite person growing up, he was loved by so many. The neighbours respected him, his friends were crazy about him, his family loved him dearly, his customers were fond of him. He was honorable, sincere, fair, giving, attentive, caring, and humorous. He loved people and people felt it. It isn't often that you encounter a genuinely selfless loving man. Mahmoud was the embodiment of love itself. 

Our car rides towards different places for different purposes are special in my mind and heart. There is however this one specific destination that stands out very strongly in my memory. It shines the brightest in my being, I was positively surprised when this day happened, it was very different than our usual trips. 

It happened on a Sunday, and the streets were much quieter than usual. We made this journey towards a somewhat high in the mountain area. We reached an open parking lot that wasn't exactly well maintained, just an open space between different buildings, with an uneven dusty ground facing a building that didn't look anything special on the outside. We got off and he carried a box of pastries that he himself prepared and packed, bringing it with us as a gift. We got inside and I was immediately astonished by this apartment. A woman received us at the door, she was our host and the person we were here to visit. She was probably in her late 50's or early 60's, beautiful face, white or blond hair, average body, very gracious and welcoming. I don't sit with them in the living room long enough to learn about this woman, I felt strangely very eager to explore the apartment. I used to be very polite and timid around strangers as a child, but somehow I ended up roaming that place freely. Did they encourage me to do so, or did I ask for permission? I can't remember exactly, but I do remember finding myself pulled like magic to see it and explore it. The main attraction at first was the walls and the hallways, they were extremely white and very tall and long. After exploring them for a good while, I find myself at one of the apartment's balcony. There was lush greenery all around and in front of it, I was shocked and amazed that such nature could be very close and readily available from one's own apartment. My relation with nature used to be during our trips to far away places only. Homes meant cities and buildings and a lot of concrete views. 

This woman was a special person, because up until that moment in my life, as a child, I never felt as safe and as excited being in somebody else's space. I remember roaming the hallways repeatedly, coming and going between the living room, checking on my father and his friend, and the balcony. I remember feeling as though the apartment was floating in mid air, and we were floating with it. After getting more comfortable in my new surrounding, I wanted to venture even more. I checked the rooms, but there were closed doors. I remember the kitchen being so very beautiful, but I have no recalling of its details. I do remember very clearly, landing in this one specific room with the open door, and the light filling it through a large window. It had beautiful vintage style armchairs and small side tables. Cute decorative pieces and figurines filled the room, and the shades of pink, hot pink and green dominated everything. I couldn't tell whether or not it was a library, or if it was just another living room with bookshelves. There was one specific wall filled to the brim with books, from the ground to the ceiling. 

The idea of checking the books was so enticing, but I didn't want that moment to end, I was savoring the details of this room with utmost attention and pleasure. I sat on one of the chairs and stared in the direction of the bookshelves and the open door, they were both on the same wall. Though I could hear the murmuring of my father and the host's chats and was assured that all was well outside of my own world, I was really hoping that their concersations would last much longer, so that I'm fully done with my exploration first. My sense of time was lost for a while, it was often the case in my childhood. When I had a sense of it again, I got up from my chair and got closer to investigate the book covers closely, really hoping that the end of the visitation wasn't near. The titles were in a language that I didn't recognize. I was a little disappointed at first, but then the disappointment turned into excitement. I pulled one of the books out and brought it with me back to my chair. I sat with the heavy book on my lap, and I started looking through it. I traced the pages with my small fingers, taking in the smell, the sensation of the papers, the strange fonts, and the novelty of the whole experience. I immediately lost sense of time again, so much so that the next thing I remember was my father and the host being in the same room with me. I can't remember who it was that explained to me that these were Armenian books, and that our host was Armenian, maybe it was my father, or the woman herself. There was a sense of authenticity and peace to this woman and that moment, because I was not on guard, I felt safe and very tender inside. 

I had a hundred different questions inside of me, but at the realization that this was our time to leave, I had to quiet my mind, and try and take in as much as I can of this experience with me back home, and to try and understand who was this teta Em Noubar, why were we visitng her, who is she to my father, and why haven't we been here before. 

Teta is grandma, was I told to call her that because she was a mother figure for my father? Was he homesick? Was it just out of respect? We always paid tribute to elders in the family, visiting distant family members, but this was different. Maybe she was just a friend. Maybe too he was drawn to that space, to that woman like I was drawn in the same way. Perhaps his soul called to him for exploring and expansion. Maybe she connected with my father on a soul level like I do, and maybe she spoke the same language as his heart's.

I used to almost never ask direct questions, my approach in learning about the world through adults was discovering by watching them. I remember very clearly how I looked forward to learning about this place, that woman, and the purpose of these trips, but I never got the chance to. I am also not able to recall if I've been there on other occasions, or if it was only just a one time off for me. I think these trips would have been disrupted during and after the war. A lot changed during and after the war. I hold on to this memory very dearly, because it made me see my father under yet another new light. 

Few months ago I was visiting my auntie, my mother's sister, at her place in Saida. My roots are from there, but I was born and raised in Beirut. Saida trips used to be very scarce and sporadic growing up, so much so that I know very little about that city and it never felt like home. I also find the people very different, and though all our family connections are there, I don't feel related. As an adult there has been several attempts and chances given to grow closer to them. I think after the passing of both my parents, and with the roads to the south becoming smoother, we started to make more frequents visits there, sister and myself. Sister felt like she could bond with the family to fill the void of missing our parents, and the void of not having the presence of our extended family growing up. I myself, couldn't. My visits were of explorative nature, I needed to understand them, but also was hoping to learn about my parents more through their siblings and relatives, and the stories they tell us. 

As she was smoking her shisha and sipping on her turkish coffee after our meal together, my auntie casually started talking about my mother's life in Beirut and how hard it was for her bearing the children, while supporting my father in the shop, without having family close by. I used the occasion to ask a direct question about my father, and whether she knew why he made that big decision of moving to Beirut right after the marriage, when both him and my mother were very connected to their roots, their surroundings, their people, and their culture at home in Saida. He saved and made a big investment there, with the same money, he could've made a much bigger business at home, why Beirut. I was hoping and somehow expecting a revealing and deep answer, but her quick reply came out as a surprise. As though a teenager, excited to gossip about the next trendy topic, with a high pitched voice, she briefly stated that my father was a womaniser, and that Beirut meant freedom, and access to partying and alcohol. I went silent, it was a very grounding moment, I deserved and earned it. 

I would never set myself to talk about the good man and husband my father was, and certainly not defending him with a family member who has witnessed it all firsthand. If the whole life he lead wasn't enough for these people to see who he was, then I was definitely in the wrong place. I didn't make it to my auntie's place since, not because I'm upset, I am not. I understand them fully, but these people and I, we just don't speak the same language... 

Did my father travel to Beirut to uproot and start his family and business with his wife to answer a calling of his soul? Did he part away from Saida and his people begrudgingly because he knew growth takes a leap of faith and plenty of courage and hard work? Did he persevere through all the hardships that came after, especially with the civil war and whatever it entailed on him being a Muslim man with his Muslim family in the Christian part of Beirut? Did he die too soon because by his mid 50's, having been through heartbreaks he could no longer push through with his usual grit? 

What I believe is, that as time passed, people who spoke the same language as my father's heart became more scarce. He could no longer drive by then, nor move around much freely. His heart was sore, and his soul called to him to be somewhere else, yet again, and he answered the call, like he usually does. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Ego shields and the numbing factor

Humans have been a study case to me since a very young age. What started as a big traumatizing event in my early childhood on my first day at kindergarten, turned out to be a repetitive life pattern. Anytime people outside of my small circle were involved, the events turned to be of an extreme nature. The contrast between the very peaceful inner world, and the outside hostile one was huge and very unsettling. 

At my age now, and at this phase of my life, and after doing so many rounds of healing and integration, I can comfortably say without being triggered, that was I to have a mediator between both worlds, someone to help me through the initiations, these encounters and events would have been way less painful, affecting the way I turned out to be and live as an adult, easing the intensity, if anything at all. On the other hand, being in this now moment, and looking back at all of my life put together, I can see very clearly just how everything happened in exactly the way it was meant to, making me the person I am now, having overcome a load of heavy and painful milestones, learning the artful skill of self healing along the way. The mere ability to look back at these most sensitive timelines, and not feel like a helpless victim, or blame this parent of mine or that grown person in my family, means that I am at peace with it all. I can not emphasise enough on just how groundbreaking and liberating this is, it definitely wasn't always the case. Of course ego battles had to be fought, long and tiring ones. My heart however always found a way to win any inside or outside battle I ever fought. Despite all the pain it endured, physical and esoteric, it somehow managed to thrive, such humbling and grounding passage, bringing me home to a very calm center inside, and feeling soul connected, every single time. 

Being a lone wolf, a home bird, and an introvert, also earning a living from home, means that I'm not exactly one to be up for random socializing or partying. It also means that even the littlest of human interaction can sometimes break havoc on my nervous system. Being in marriages has somehow worked for me though in this sense. I used to love the idea of having my one special person in my close company all year round, day in, day out. The mental connection shared, the physical chemistry, the love bond, the affection, the comforting, the support, the companionship, the understanding, the togetherness, the giving and receiving, the sharing of life's biggest and smallest moments, the depth of knowing that person and be known so intimately by him was sure to keep me content and feeling right at home. 

Getting married at 19 years old, while my mother was dying, with a man I loved when I turned 18, after, through, and because of the sudden death of my dear father, had the potential of making it a very strong and solid bond. It didn't, it was such a delicate and fragile contract. He was the sweetest, most giving, most affectionate man, upbeat and full of life, a go getter, family oriented, and work driven. He was however very wounded. It didn't take long before it showed in our every interaction, but more loudly through the act of inflicting pain on me purposely and directly, without flinching. I haven't met anyone like him before, and I loved him, his very pain too. Being young, hopeful and full of love, I thought I could heal him through my abundant love, and constant presence. The truth of the matter is, people aren't exactly drawn to healing themselves. For that, you need to acknowledge that there's something wrong with you, or that something wrong happened to you, and the ego won't allow that to happen. In fact, the biggest lesson I learned about people through my first husband, was that ego can be a huge teacher, but also a life distructer. Not only that, but it can be so very good at it that the person won't even identify it as an intruder, an outsider, but rather a part of who the person is. So comes in socialising, the hussle and bussle of the outside world, the uncontrollable getting, the constant doing,  and the seaseless acquiring. He was such an extroverted person, social, flamboyant, passionate,  and such a lover of people, facilitating and achieving. The contrast of our characters would've worked perfectly well was he to be real and genuine. Sadly however, he was running on auto pilot. Everything he did, felt and said was an unconscious reaction to a volcano of pain and anger inside of him that often than not erupted. 

The life I shared with my second husband was very different from my first marriage, for once he was a total introvert like myself, with a very small circle of friends and close people. He was reserved, composed, quiet, and very private. We shared our love for the arts in somewhat similar ways, and in depth. Our times spent together were very peaceful and harmonious. At a deeper and a different level however, there was similarity in the patterns concerning resisting and being oblivious to the growth needed. He used our love to numb his pain from the past, and fear from the future. Everything we did and said became a distraction from his inner wounds, when what I needed in a partner that I loved so dearly was simply presence. By no means I claim to be the perfect lover, but I was very clear about who I was as a person and a partner, and what I needed and wanted from him and our connection. We would totally agree and be on the same page when we discuss our plans for our future together, but then he would go on drifting away from me soon after, through his obsessive lists, and nerdy endeavors, into his world of total detachment and seperation. 

My love was always active, it wanted nurturing, it went through places that needed attending to and healing. I would treat my partner same way I would treat myself, or my daughter, or anybody I care about; with fierce attention, and a huge desire to see, mend, and expand. I wanted to grow through love, with love, for love. I could never use it for other purposes, love was sacrosanct to me and was enough in and of itself.

Eventually, and after the seperation from my second husband almost 4 years ago, I gave myself ample of time to work on all the relationships in my life. I got closer to the family again, I brought friends even closer to me, I met new people and started new friendships and relationships, I also dated for a good while, which was totally new to me then. I ventured into new worlds of arts, socialized more freely and frequently, engrossed with the new lessons I was going to learn through close interactions with new people. Even at that though, I needed depth, my interactions with others could never be emtpy, they needed meaning. After all, I never needed company for the sake of company, I am naturally always happy alone inside my own world. I'm very passionate about connecting though, I usually need to go as deep and as far as my psyche allows me, to know more, feel more and be more open, conscious, and aware. Soon after the start of this expansive timeline, I realized that all people ever wanted to do,  was more numbing, more forgetting, more disctraction and more dissociation. In fact, it was the main reason why they did relationships, it is why they hung out and got together, and that was certainly not my idea of socialising, or doing any kind of a relationship. This realization got to my heart eventually, slowly but surely. It drained me and sucked the life out of me. It pained me greatly, and eventually, I had to withdraw and come back to myself and my inner world again. 

If you have been traumatised, most especially in childhood, then the last thing you want to do is be conscious and aware as an adult, the pain can be too much to face or handle - this I do get. Using addictions for numbing is very common too, I know from being a food addict myself most of my life, but also seeing the substance use in others. Still, the heavy weight of carrying old pains in our system,  and going on through our adult life with such a massive weight, can be even harder than dealing with the pain face front. The freedom we have as adults can sometimes mean that we would use it in a distructive way, without outside interference, that's the double edge sword of being adult, and free. Doing modern day society means we do not have the community support that we need as humans at the very basic level, namely in acknowledging, handling, and getting support in the aspect that matters to most to us on a fundamental level: our heart and soul. An imprisoning freedom that makes the task of being an adult even harder can also often go unnoticed. The dance between wanting to be big, free and to soar, and wanting to shrink, regress, and be contained is a hard one to balance. My love for the people and humanity at large makes it so that I am forced to want to shake them, wake them up to the here and the now, sit with them while they heal, remind them, hold their hands, look into their eyes, feel their pain, honor their existence and their past, learn about their ambitions, and support their future plans. 

Having made a fool of myself for endless times through connecting on such a deep level throughout those last 4 years with people who just wanted more numbing, made me realize that perhaps I'm not a people's person for a reason. It finally dawned at me that what I was doing was not exactly working, not in a relationship context, not with family members, and defnintely not with friends. 

Solitude has always been my most loyal and favorite friend, and towards the end of this madness of myriad of social experimenting and attempts at connecting, I felt like I was fully ready to be on my own again, giving some of what I've been dispersing here and there to myself, because by then, I needed nurturing the most.  

A friend told me not so long ago that I am motherly and accepting. He enphasised on the word accepting. I didn't ask questions, I knew this was a topic we'd come back to - as we were in the middle of another heated conversation - but I let it sink in, without understanding what he meant then and there. After that encounter I asked my daughter what does it mean to describe me as accepting, and if she sees me as a mother under that light. She agreed with the description, saying that most mothers are usually controlling, or put conditions to how the kids need to be, and that I was not like that. To that I answered it's love, is it not. She nodded, and I went silent. He put a word to something that I take in myself for granted, but the mere fact the word was accentuated, made me realize that accepting, which is the word for love, as in presence, is almost nonexistent in our society and ways of connecting. Still, when I pondered on the word later that day again, I was a little bit happy inside, thinking that he gets my love, and that perhaps others might feel it too, and that maybe not all is lost. 

Perhaps in time I will be ready for my next partner, he would have done the work too,  or at least some work, and would want to just be still with me. We would be accepting of each other, but also wanting to get up and do the work together, for ourselves,  for each other, and for humanity. We would be open together, never scared or sheltered from each other, and most importantly, never ego shielded. 

I have several different journals for different topics and categories, one of them is called the Book of Dreams and Prayers. I write on it when I feel a calling, a dream that stands out for messages or symbolism, a prayer that I feel drawn to write or say, sometimes related to the dream, other times simply stemming from my consciousness or desires and needs. I wrote a prayer a couple of months ago to those two most harshest teachers in the school I was in on my first day of kindergarten. Though back in the days the parents weren't allowed in with the children to help ease the transition into their new surrounding. I still thought that on a deeper, most humane level, and outside of what was the norm or not on a social and cultural level, and regardless of what the school policies allowed or prohibited, there could've been a lesser painful way to get me in class then pushing and pulling my 3 years old frail child body self from both my fully stretched arms, I while I was screaming and crying on the top of my lungs, scared and resisting with all of my might. I prayed for them because in a moment of meditation, I pondered on what could have went so awfully wrong to these two adults to treat such a helpless body and soul with such hostility and total detachement and seperation. I prayed for them and I hoped their pain was healed, and that there has been love restored inside their heart and being. Did they become mothers, are they grandmothers, are they sisters and friends, did they have mothers they cared for, how were they themselves handled as small children. I just hoped love found them and wrapped their spirit with empathy and compassion, because what are we really if we're functioning only just as machines for the big institutions, the big system, producing kids that are sure to be harmed and tainted for life. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Cheat meals

It's easy to make food that tastes good when cooking unhealthy. Think of all the ingredients that add gorgeous flavors to a meal, sending one's taste buds on an ecstatic journey. All sorts of fats, dairy, deep fried, processed, fake food, GMO's, sugars, salts and condiments. The good skill is cooking a meal that tastes sensational with only real, few ingredients. I love challenging myself with that personally, I try to excel at it though it's not always easily achievable, but knowing that I am eating real food each time is a winner. I am allergic to fake anything, and I'm a foodie, meaning food is very important in my life. Anything that is important to me has to be real; food, people, connections, writing. 

I was thinking about writing in particular, and how the morbidity seems to be the main ingredient in most writings that are considered good these days. I struggle a bit with that, I perceive it as cheat cooking. For instance, it's somewhat easy to create a writing piece that throbs on one's emotions, triggering deep feelings of sadness or melancholy, and harder to create a piece that celebrates life, without the need for extremes or heaviness. Somehow this is how our society runs and is ruled these days, but that's a different topic for another time. 

Few months ago I wanted  to create a playlist that has only upbeat, uplifting songs, it was almost an impossible job to achieve. I managed with a few ones eventually, and I'm still on the mission - mind you though, these are not sexy nor cool songs by any means. It occurred to me that it must have somehow become un-trendy, un-stylish, un-attractive to be joyous. As though humans have been made to look bleak, feel helpless, and live miserably; a new standardized set tone for modern day living of a sort. Anything other than that, and you're probably going to be categorized as not deep enough, smart, wise, or cool. It looks like as though every art form has to be run by this standard to be considered appealing or valuable. 

At the very center of us all, there is this bliss, the natural state of our existence. Our essence and core isn't exactly sad, resisting, or defying - it just is. Like the morning sun, and our heart beats, and the fall of autumn leaves, and the spring blossoms. If we keep crying the leaves falling, it is detrimental that we're going to miss the blossoming. What I think has happened is that we people got stuck and hung up on the parting with and the passing of seasons, missing out on the big picture that is life in its entirety - for sadness is but a season, not meant to be wallowed on for eternity. 

I'm not trendy nor stylish myself, my writing is elementary and very basic, but I've always found vast, magical worlds within this realm of minimalism. Like a child's eyes, naiively, I still see the world with wonder magic, and almost disbelief at just how beautiful this existence is, and getting the chance to be part of it, witness it, and feel it all... and so I write. 

Yes pain is inevitable and an essential part of this journey we call life, but must we be totally numbed that the only way we can be moved is solely through nihilism and gloom? I sure hope not. 

No cheat, overly embellished, fake food for me. I like my meals like my writing: natural, real, and simple.

Monday, August 22, 2022

On writing and love

In writing, I am the same way I am in love, I don't know the rules and the customs, I just do it. In writing like in love, I never got training, education, initiation, I am simply engrossed by it, as though I am one with it and not merely experiencing or practicing it. In writing like in love, I dive deep, blindly, engulfed by the highs of self expression, creation, existence. In writing like in love, I'm the expert and the newbie, I'm the know it all and the total ignorant. In writing, like in love, I like it straightforward, and very simple. In writing like in love, I don't slow down for breaks, I am fully consumed by it. 

I keep telling close friends about the book, perhaps deep down hoping someone would tell me not to write it, but they never do, they're quite excited about it. I don't think they wish for me to write the book as much as they wish for me to keep loving, to keep on being and experiencing life in the intense and wild ways that I do it, like the mad person they know me to be. 

In writing like in love, I know it was born with me, and that it was never sought out after on the outside. I like my words same way I like my love making; raw, open, revealing, sensitive, vulnerable, ecstatic, wild, pure, naked, simple, limitless, meditative, passionate, sweet, real, tender. 

I'm brought back to a memory of my 8 years old self having just finished reading my first short story to my parents, and having received their feedback before they even uttered a word, simply with their faces. Were they happy about my writing, or were they loving me. Was it the words, or was it my existence. Was it my creation, or was it creation itself.It didn't matter after that day, I never sought validation since, I knew it in my heart that I was loved, and that I was a writer, and that these two are interwoven into my system, in my being, in the air that I breathe, in the very space that I take.

What happened to my writing throughout my life though was the same that happened to my love, it got interfered with, interrupted. People stopped my flow, their expectations of me did, their framing, their boxes, their agendas, their plans for me, their actions, their motives, their disrupted ways of doing relationships, their distorted ideas of love. I didn't experience the artist's block for lack of ways of expression, but from interrupted love. 

To write is to unchain myself, to write is to be love without a lover. In writing I am the same way I am in loving, I don't need an audience for my writings, like I don't need a recipient for my love. My writing is my tool for my love, my love is the backbone for my writing. 

I've been once advised to remove myself from my writing, to use my emotions to create a content that's separate from me. Could I write stories again, perhaps I can. Do I want to do it, maybe not just yet. Perhaps my need for telling the story of my heart, the truth unaltered, is currently much greater than the need to write for the sake of writing itself. 

In love, like in writing, I am merely a medium; love and writing manifest themselves through me. 

My favorite way of loving is dissolving totally into it, until there is nothing left of me, but love itself. In writing, I am the say way I am in love.

A friendly face

A friend that I haven't seen in eight months visited me today. A lot can happen in eight months. I poured my heart out in a typical manner. We laughed and cried. I told him about the few beautiful people I met since, the sunrises, and the goodbyes. We have both changed since we last met on a cold rainy night back in December. I'm grateful for summer sun and all the seasons. I'm grateful for my heart, for the insights, for the eagerness to experience life at the cost of any and all pain. I told him about the book, and how intimidated I am from my own writing. I was telling myself really, for I've been too scared to even admit it to myself. There is no other way to exist now but prepare to turn the page on that huge chapter of my life, through writing it down. I live like a total hermit these days, and these visits from friendly faces bring solace to my heart, and they remind me to go a little bit easier on myself, for I tend to get really wild, and uncontrollably raw. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Big fat liar

Things have slowed down lately. My mind is not racing anymore, I am sitting still with my aching heart, in the here and the now.

A human being's survival instinct is too strong, it must be, for how else can one explain leading a life without the most crucial need; safety.

I've only come to terms with my itching need to feel safe recently, after encountering a brief moment of being contained, supported, truly.

It felt as though it was a part of those vivid dreams I have, where the reality element is striking.

I am in between worlds and realms, my reality keep changing by the moment.

I am certain about one thing, that all I have been doing all those decades past, was defying who I am at the center.

I am a big fat liar, I am not strong nor independant, I am not self sufficient, nor a pioneer. I am a starved giver, I am lacking a million things, and often times, like these days, I feel like I could collapse any minute. And the thought of leaving this existence would be the only thing that brings joy to my heart...

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Kun faya kun

Here comes August, and the heartaches. I've been focusing on drafting the book since the start of the year, writing whatever chapters and paragraphs I manage to write. I keep looking at the photos, I keep reading the diaries. I need to recollect the memories. I'm shattered like the stories and the memories, and I see the reality in a hundred different ways each day. The narrative keeps changing, I am between several different worlds. 

I cried all day, stopping briefly while Yasmina painted on my face with her new Japanese watercolour paints. I needed soothing and comfort, I listened to Kun faya Kun most of the day, it brought warmth to my heart. I'm crying all I had to part with this year thus far, the people, the friendships, the relationships, the connections. 

I'm crying the beautiful people, their souls, their entrapment, their demons. I'm crying their ego, their trauma, their unconsciousness, their forgetfulness. I'm crying humanity's need to control, I'm crying all the fears, and the illusions. 

Despite the many different tools and mediums I have to express myself, I simply haven't been able to let things out. I'm choking up on the words, the thoughts, the realizations, the truths. Hands are oh so stiff too... 

I'm growing further apart yet equally closer to the people with every new moment. My heart bursts and shatters a hundred times in a day, from too much love and too much pain. 

How oh how can I possibly finish that book when I keep living and ending new chapters ever so frequently, without being able to get even close to reaching the core of my characters!

Hush now my heart, August ends soon, I will make it up to you in Autumn. I promise to write your story so that whoever touched you can finally believe it and grasp it when they see it written. Perhaps too they would remember to connect to their heart. And I pray... 

Oh hearts of all those I loved and love, won't you please stay present, won't you please keep alive. Take over all else, all senses, all thoughts, all organs, all realms...

This is such a brief visitation, and time is running out. 

Thank you world for the written word, thank you fingers for the typing, thank you internet, thank you awareness, thank you music, thank you musicians, thank you tabla, thank you rythm, thank you sweet sweet pain, and thank you mighty faith. 

Kun faya kun faya kun faya kun faya kun faya kun faya kun

Be and it is... 
