Tuesday, May 14, 2024


There couldn't have possibly been a greater pain than the one I've been through from being alienated by you. As the ice melts on my frozen and hardened pain, it is being revealed to me that I have indeed done it all to myself, by myself, for how else could I have given you the gift of free will, which is what you truly wanted, and what I wanted for you. 

The pain did what it always does: creates insomnia. That's trauma for you, and it happened in real time. But now I've awakened, and I know that not all mothers' love is great, but mine to you was. 

I'm humbled and grateful beyond words for God and the strength I was given to carry through this most noble act my soul has sat out to do. I have indeed released you. I loved you that much. You do and did with your free will whatever on earth you like. The rest is for us to deal with. I have dealt and am dealing with my part. 

I see the broken women around, whose kids are latching unto their very soul. You fantasied about that stereotype, the broken depleted women, but I have to break the news for you; this kind of mothers couldn't possibly fathom the concept of freedom for themselves, let alone their kids. Nor be as hardy as going childless mothers, it's detrimental for their existence! You have been blessed. It wasn't random though, you have indeed made the choice, I was the one for the mission. Your soul might come online and remind you one day. 

Done and dusted, matey! 
We are soulmates, that's a fact. 
(I hope you're searching for and finding your soul family.)

When you're in your fourty's you will understand, and perhaps you might even remember by yourself at some stage before. 

None of it matters, it's all good. 

For now though, here's another prayer, and a new goodbye...

في أمان الله والقلب داعيلك

Monday, May 13, 2024

Mayday Mayhem Madad

Whose scent is on my hair today
What smell 
Whose spirits entangled with mine today
What heaven 
Which hell

Engineered clouds
Fabricated winds
Sun rays 
Simulated things

Heart keeps thumping 

Take a break or not 
You're off work anyway 
Off chart
Off grid

Coffee after midnight
Or in the morning 
Or at midday 
Who's awake anyway 
Whose awakening
Who's awakened

A dream inside a dream inside another dream 
Layers of invented realms
Projected holograms
A trap 
A delusion of empowerment 

Keep meeting people 
Keep looking for the souls
Keep searching the eyes 
Keep hunting for that needle in the haystack
Summer in autumn disguise 


Question the colors 
Question the shapes 
Smiles at the attempts 
Marvel at the successes 
Acknowledge the failures 
Appreciate the efforts




Friday, May 10, 2024

Birth your chart

Double earth single fire woman, learn to hone your game. Easy on the earthing, easy on the earthlings. Easy on the pulling, easy on the release. Arrow turns ball of fire, turns wild fire. Easy on the excitement, easy on the engagement.

Spirits of lack stepping down, back to basics now, learn to breathe. Blow the air through your fire, ground, cleanse, repeat. Find it in your chart, find it in your heart. You have got it all, and then some more. You don't need to imagine magic, only just remember. 

It's time already. 

Let's go, baby girl! 

Monday, May 6, 2024

A public embrace

It's at it again,
Fate, and its games.
Ripples of hope,
weaved unto threads of dispair. 
He was at it again, 
With his grace,
and that embrace. 
Same eyes of old, 
Same contentment, 
Same containment. 

You ought to have quit it!
I have... 

Destiny's been cooking,
This feast of abundance,
In his shape, and very form. 
He only had to deliver. 
Showed up, 
In his glowing essence,
Showed up, 
With your buried longing. 
Small talk, 
Big exchange. 
The rest is to God, his angels, 
And some two souls' unfinished work... 

Just you smile
Teared up woman,
It's only just another cycle, 
Brace yourself, 
Here we go again. 
Spiral away, 
Or stand your ground. 
It matters very little, 
But you know that already.