Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A glitch

Over the past few years I have created and deleted few different personal blogs. I go through different moods and mental states; confident, outspoken, social, extrovert, active, timid, insecure, depressed, creative, inspired, motivated, lonely, sad, happy. This is usually highly reflected in my social media activity. My Ranawiyet facebook page is updated with posts, news, happy posts, pictures of my new creations, inspiration quotes. pictures of my work in progress and so on. My twitter is active too. I post to my pinterest boards and I add new ones (although my secret boards are ideal for all the non publishable obsessions, especially in timid/depressed or even inspired mood, if you know what I mean). My etsy shop is updated, with all nice pictures, I post in the etsy forums too and try to communicate with other fellow etsians and artists. I even created a new instagram account lately (which I still have no clue how it really works but I'll get there sometime this century). This is how active I have been latley (some of the usual moods that accompany active are: happy, confident, inspired, motivated, etc.) So while I was tweaking and editing and updating my information on all the social media platforms that I am on - especially that I haven't done so properly since I stopped teaching and became again a full time jewelry artisan solely - I thought of googling my name to see how neat and accurate things are now. I did, and the result was somehow impressive. A lot of nice profile pictures (I am yet to be confident enough to take and share more pictures of my whole self and body, and not just my face!). Links to my etsy shop (great, I got things to sell, and they're getting the exposure they deserve). Many links to my twitter account (brilliant, I am out there officially, because, you know you're not really if you don't "tweet" these days). Facebook page, facebook profile, youtoube channel, videos, interviews, jewelry making workshops, past events, students, links to my videos and posts of my videos on websites I never heard of (shock at first, and then comfort in the knowing that I am - was at some point anyway - an inspiration to some other designers), and a contemplating how fat I was / still am and how I still try to hide it by taking and sharing pictures of my face alone (wishing this could be done in interviews too, then I would have kept them coming), and then, the real shock... A blog!
Sure I clicked on the link to delete this old blog in order to keep all the info updated and accurate as I was initially doing. It sure was one of my neglected silly blogs that I created and forgot about in the past, or so I thought! To my surprise, it turned out to be a proper blog! Not too big, not too old, not too silly (maybe a little bit, as all blogs are for insecure blogger), with nice pictures, and small little posts that are actually readable. Wow! I really was impressed, I really surprised myself! First by having achieved anything as close to a proper blog, and second for having absolutely and utterly totally forgotten about it!
And after reading only the last blog post, which was exactly 2 years ago, I felt that I missed blogging (writing anyway), and that an update is long due, for it is September again, this particular time of the year where I feel so energetic, renewed, alive and... inspired. So now that have I updated most of the info, and will be looking to do this again in 2 years time (I can't be bothered before then, blame it on my moods and memory!!) I will be blogging more often, and remind myself ever so often, then I do exist in writing just like I do in creating and that they are both my favourite art mediums, and they will always be. 

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