Everything inside of me is longing for the embrace that would make me feel safe and warm, just a little break, just a little reward to my weary mind, just a little pause, then another push. I can then make it, the forced loving pausing touch will help me achieve that. The slowing down, the pull of the bow, the stepping stone. A breath of oxygen, and an exchange of reigns of leadership.
In-Sanity is a most fitting title indeed. Someone get me out of here. Either that, or get inside my head with me for a little while!
She might have been the biggest drug of my life, and I am suffering from the withdrawals still.
Gimme gimme gimme, mine mine mine, that's how the world goes, and how humans seems to do it, and I'm supposed to survive when all I am is give give give, yours yours yours, and have become so fucked up that I can't even take what's already mine.
New people owe me more money, how is that even possible, what kind of retards am I!?!
I'm starting from square one again, working my way up in the business, nobody cares about my stupid creations, but in a battle between mind and money, where I seem to almost always lose the money, at least making things is keeping my hands busy and distracted, and the mind briefly at bay, and temporarily safe from going gung ho mad.